Nurturing Your Call

Self-love often misconstrued as mere self-indulgence, is, in fact, the cornerstone upon which our ability to fulfill our calling rests. It encompasses a deep sense of appreciation and acceptance of oneself—flaws, and all. When we embrace self-love, we acknowledge our worthiness, recognizing that we are deserving of care, compassion, and fulfillment.

As individuals driven by purpose, nurturing self-love is not a luxury but a necessity. Our calling demands much from us — physically, mentally, and emotionally. Without a solid foundation of self-love, we risk burnout, disillusionment, and a sense of disconnect from the very purpose that once ignited our passion. It manifests in various forms, but at its core lies self-care. It’s about prioritizing our well-being, not as an afterthought but as a deliberate act of honoring ourselves. For me, as a pediatric dentist committed to providing the highest standard of care to my young patients, self-care takes on myriad forms.

It begins with the basics — ensuring I get an adequate amount of rest, nourishing my body with wholesome foods, and engaging in regular physical activity. These seemingly simple acts lay the groundwork for a resilient mind and body, essential for navigating the challenges inherent in my profession. However, self-care extends far beyond the physical realm. It encompasses nurturing our emotional and spiritual well-being as well. For me, this entails carving out moments of stillness amidst the chaos of my schedule, whether through meditation, journaling, or simply immersing myself in nature.

Moreover, self-care involves setting boundaries and learning to say no when necessary. As someone deeply passionate about my work, it’s all too easy to fall into the trap of overcommitment, spreading myself thin in the process. Yet, I’ve come to realize that by honoring my limitations and prioritizing self-care, I’m better equipped to serve both my patients and myself. To learn more ways to say “No”, check out my January blog.

In essence, self-love is the fuel that powers our journey toward fulfilling our calling. It instills within us the resilience to weather life’s storms, the courage to pursue our dreams unabashedly, and the compassion to extend grace to ourselves and others along the way.

But how does self-love translate into fulfilling our purpose? The answer lies in the symbiotic relationship between the two. When we cultivate self-love, we inherently align ourselves with our deepest desires and aspirations. We become attuned to the whispers of our soul, guiding us toward paths that resonate with our truest selves.

In the context of my journey as a pediatric dentist, self-love has been instrumental in shaping my approach to patient care. It’s about more than just clinical proficiency — it’s about cultivating genuine connections with my young patients and fostering an environment where they feel seen, heard, and valued.

Moreover, self-love empowers me to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles to be avoided. But perhaps most importantly, self-love reminds me to lead with compassion — for myself, my patients, and my colleagues. Dentistry, like any other field, can be demanding and at times emotionally taxing. Yet, by extending grace to ourselves and others, we create a culture of kindness and empathy that permeates every aspect of our work.

In essence, self-love is not a destination but a continuous journey — one that requires dedication, patience, and above all, kindness toward oneself.

By nurturing our self-love, we not only enrich our lives but also create ripple effects that extend far beyond the confines of our practice. We become beacons of hope and inspiration, reminding others of the transformative power of love — both for oneself and for the world. As we navigate the complexities of our noble profession, let us never forget the importance of self-love in fulfilling our calling. May we approach each day with open hearts, unwavering in our commitment to care — for our patients, ourselves, and the world we serve.

If you want to stay connected, you can subscribe to my newsletter, where I share some freebies to help you live the life you are called for, like the Inclusive Leader Support Sheet and Boundary Blueprint for Healthcare Professionals.

Mental Health Check-In: How Are You Really Doing Today?

Mental Health Awareness Month invites us to reflect on the importance of mental well-being in our lives. This year’s theme centers around the idea that fulfilling our calling requires strong mental health. Our calling—whether it’s our career, personal aspirations, or roles in our community—demands a resilient and healthy mind. In this blog, I’ll share some of the practices that help me maintain mental well-being and discuss areas where I need improvement. By focusing on these aspects, we can all strive to live more fulfilling lives.

Practices That Help Me Maintain Mental Well-Being

Meditation with the Headspace App:

Meditation has been a cornerstone of my mental health regimen. Using the Headspace app, I carve out moments of tranquility amidst the chaos of daily life. This app offers guided meditations that cater to various needs, from stress reduction to improving focus. If you’re interested in trying it out, I’m sharing my 30-Day Guest Pass with you: Laila’s Guest Pass Unlocked and let me know how did it go for you.


Writing down my thoughts and feelings each day has been immensely therapeutic. Journaling provides a private space to explore emotions, reflect on experiences, and track personal growth. It serves as a mental release, helping to process the events of the day and fostering a deeper understanding of oneself.

Quiet Time with My Bible Study Book:

Spending quiet time with my Bible study book has been spiritually nourishing. This practice not only strengthens my faith but also offers profound insights and a sense of peace. It’s a time to disconnect from the world and reconnect with my spiritual beliefs, providing clarity and comfort.

Areas for Improvement

While I’ve made significant strides in maintaining my mental health, there are areas where I still need improvement. Recognizing these areas is the first step towards making positive changes:

Get More Sleep:

Adequate sleep is crucial for mental and physical health. Despite understanding its importance, I often find myself skimping on sleep due to a busy schedule. Improving my sleep hygiene by setting a consistent bedtime and creating a relaxing pre-sleep routine is a priority.

Reduce Screen Time Before Bed:

The blue light emitted by screens can interfere with our ability to fall asleep. I aim to cut down on screen time before bed, opting instead for activities like reading or meditating to help unwind.

30-Minute Exercise Daily:

Regular physical activity is not only beneficial for physical health but also for mental well-being. Incorporating at least 30 minutes of exercise into my daily routine can boost mood, reduce anxiety, and improve overall energy levels.

Block Out More Time to Hang Out with Loved Ones:

Social connections are vital for emotional health. I plan to prioritize spending more time with my loved ones, as these interactions can provide support, laughter, and a sense of belonging.

Quick Takeaway

Maintaining strong mental health is essential for fulfilling our calling. By practicing meditation, journaling, and engaging in spiritual activities, we can foster resilience and clarity. Additionally, focusing on getting enough sleep, reducing screen time before bed, exercising regularly, and nurturing social connections can significantly enhance our mental well-being.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you currently manage stress in your daily life?
  • What activities or practices bring you a sense of peace and fulfillment?
  • Are there any areas in your life where you feel you could improve your mental well-being?
    How often do you prioritize sleep and rest, and what changes can you make to improve your sleep hygiene?
  • In what ways can you enhance your social connections and spend more quality time with loved ones?

By reflecting on these questions and making intentional changes, we can all take steps towards better mental health and ultimately, a more fulfilling life. Take this time to explore what works best for you and make a commitment to your mental well-being.

Your Guide to Finding Meaning and Fulfillment

Your Guide to Finding Meaning and Fulfillment

Last week, I viewed an inspiring Masterclass by Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx, where she shared a compelling framework for discovering one’s purpose. I couldn’t wait to bring this valuable insight to you all.

Sara’s approach centers around a simple yet profound diagram that encapsulates the essence of finding purpose. At the core lies “purpose” itself, surrounded by interconnected elements: skill, enjoyment, and service. Let’s break this down further.

Purpose as the Core: Think of purpose as the nucleus of your being. It’s the reason behind what you do, the driving force that propels you forward. Your purpose gives meaning and direction to your actions and choices.

Skill: This represents what you are good at. It involves identifying your strengths, talents, and acquired skills over time. Aligning your purpose with your skills ensures that you can excel and make a meaningful impact.

Enjoyment: What brings you joy and fulfillment? This aspect taps into your passions and interests. Finding purpose means engaging in activities that light you up and bring a sense of satisfaction.

Service: Purpose often extends beyond ourselves—it involves contributing positively to others and the world around us. Service is about how your unique gifts and passions can benefit others and make a difference.  Sara states who can identify where you should serve by paying attention to “what breaks your heart”

Staying Connected to Your “Why”

Discovering your purpose is one thing, but staying connected to it is equally crucial. Your “why” acts as your North Star, guiding you through challenges and uncertainties. Here’s how you can nurture this connection:

Reflection: Set aside time to reflect on what truly matters to you. Journaling or meditation can be powerful tools for introspection.

Align Your Actions: Ensure that your daily actions align with your purpose. This alignment fosters a sense of fulfillment and authenticity.

Seek Inspiration: Surround yourself with like-minded individuals or mentors who inspire and uplift you on your journey.

Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate achievements that align with your purpose. This reinforces your commitment and motivation.

Practical Tips to Find Your “Why”

Explore Your Passions: What activities make you lose track of time? Pay attention to what ignites your curiosity and enthusiasm.

Identify Impact: Reflect on the impact you wish to create in the world. How do you envision making a difference?

Connect the Dots: Look for patterns in your life experiences. What recurring themes or interests emerge?

Experiment: Don’t be afraid to try new things. Experimentation can lead to unexpected discoveries about yourself and your purpose.

In summary, finding your calling is a journey of self-discovery rooted in understanding your purpose, leveraging your skills and passions, and serving others. Remember to stay connected to your “why” as it fuels your determination and brings meaning to your endeavors.

For those seeking a quick takeaway:

  • Discovering your purpose involves aligning your skills, passions, and desire to serve with a central sense of “why.” 
  • Stay connected to your purpose through reflection, alignment of actions, seeking inspiration, and celebrating milestones. 
  • Explore your passions, identify impact, connect life experiences, and don’t shy away from experimentation to uncover your true calling in life.

If you want to stay connected, you can subscribe to my newsletter, where I share some freebies to help you live the life you are called for.